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What are Televisits?

Televisits will allow you or a family member to be seen and assessed in real time at home using your laptop or on your phone (through your portal account), offering both convenience and minimizing the risk of spreading illness.

Can everything be done by Televisit?

While there are some conditions which may require testing (ex. flu, strep, urinalysis) or an in-person physical exam (ear infections, wheezing), GSCC is working tirelessly to innovate safe and convenient ways to offer quality care while preserving both safety and social distance. We will advise you based on your individual circumstance when it is necessary to come in and aim to minimize contact with the office where possible. New patient visits to establish care and well child checks cannot be done this way at this time.

How do I schedule a visit?

The same way that you make an in-office appointment. Please call us at (580) 223-3411 and request a Televisit appointment.

Can you send in prescriptions?

Yes, we can send in prescriptions for medications and send in refills as needed and advise on next steps of care in a tailored, individual plan for you or your loved one. While we may miss seeing your family in person for a little while, our priority remains to limit risk of illness, and we are happy to adapt our care to best serve you during this time.

What will it cost?

It is billed the same way as an in-office visit. You will be responsible for your co-pays, deductibles and co-insurance.

What do I need at home to have a televisit?

You will need a laptop with a camera and microphone or a smartphone with the Healow app downloaded. You will also need a portal account. If you do not have one you can download the app using the video instructions below and the PRACTICE CODE: ADFBDA.  


Check-In to Your Televisit HERE

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